South Dakota Expungement & Pardon Attorney

If you are having trouble getting a job or being considered for a loan due to your criminal record, you should consider an expungement (reconsideration) or a Pardon. An experienced South Dakota attorney from the Helsper, McCarty and Rasmussen Law Firm can explain your options.

What is Expungement?

Expungement is a process where your criminal record may be cleared or sealed if you take action within two years of the date of the sentencing. By petitioning for expungement, people can move forward with their lives and leave their mistakes in the past. All arrests and charges are noted on a person’s criminal record and will remain on his or her records indefinitely.

Clearing Your South Dakota Criminal Record

A pardon is a process in South Dakota allowing you to legally deny your criminal history and move forward with your life without the worry of a criminal record. Clearing your South Dakota criminal record depends upon several factors, in order for you to even qualify for a pardon:

  • At least two years must have passed since your conviction
  • You must have no intervening arrests or a clean record
  • All aspects of sentencing and punishment for your previous conviction must have been served and carried out

Contact the Helsper, McCarty and Rasmussen Law Firm today to talk to an experienced criminal defense lawyer.